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Thursday 25 August 2011

Nutty semen

The title may sound strange, but apparently it's possible to develop reactions to allergens from your sex partner.

A 20-year-old woman documented to be allergic to Brazil nuts broke out in hives and wheezed after having sex with her boyfriend.

The guy, who loves Brazil nuts, took great measures to brush his teeth, clean his fingernails, and even take a bath prior to coitus to protect his girlfriend from all traces of Brazil nuts. 

Suspecting the lady is allergic to the guy's seminal fluids, doctors ordered specialised allergy tests for the lady: skin prick tests (no pun intended) with the boyfriend's semen before and after nut consumption.

The results confirmed that somehow, the offending allergens from the Brazil nuts had found its way into his, *ahem*, nuts. All in the span of a few hours.

So watch out gals and guys. If you have a food allergy, watch your partner's diet closely before that romp in the hay. 

(The last I read, the couple are not together anymore. Did the guy choose Brazil nuts over the girl? We'll never know.)

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