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Thursday 18 August 2011

A trusted remedy for mild gastric flu

Whenever I come down with early symptoms of gastric flu (tiredness, diarrhea, cough/running nose) I reach for my Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan 藿香正气丸. If the symptoms are not due to food poisoning, I usually feel better after just two doses. For this reason, I always keep a bottle in my fridge. Just in case.

Personally, I feel that this amazing formula works better than anything the doctor prescribes. And no wonder: it's been around for almost a thousand years! According to records, the formula was listed in the 'Imperial Grace Formula' of the Tai Ping era 1078 to 1085AD, Northern Song (Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang). And, get this: it's traditionally used to treat cholera!

Here's a quick look at the formula:
Cang Zhu 苍术 (Atractylodes)
Guang Huo Xiang 广藿香 (Patchouli)
Hou Po 厚朴 (Magnolia Bark)
Fu Ling 茯苓 (Poria)
Da Fu Pi 大腹皮 (Areca Peel)
Ban Xia 半夏 (Pinellia)
Zi Su Ye 紫苏叶 (Perilla)
Chen Pi 陈皮 (Tangerine Peel)
Ji Geng 桔梗 (Platycodon)
Bai Zhi 白芷 (Angelica Root)
Sheng Jiang 生姜 (Ginger)
Da Zao 大枣 (Jujube)
Gan Cao 甘草 (Licorice)

Those who are TCM trained will know that the first few ingredients remove/transform 'damp', while the rest 'release the exterior' and 'regulate qi' (hence the name Zhen Qi 正气). Don't you just love the way TCM explains how a formula works? It's so...poetic. Whatever works I guess. 
I have had mild diarrhea for the past two days, coupled with a feeling of general malaise and stuffy nose. Sure signs that I need this formula. So I popped the pungent pills last night and again in the morning. Voila! I feel much better now.

I know I can always trust a thousand year old remedy.

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