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Sunday 13 November 2011

Nut consumption increases serotonin levels to prevent metabolic syndrome

Researchers from the Biomarkers & NutriMetabolomics Research Group of the University of Barcelona in Spain studied the biochemical effects of nut consumption on metabolic syndrome and human health. 

They put 22 patients with diagnosed metabolic syndrome on a nut-enriched diet for 12 weeks and compared them to another group of 20 patients, who were told to avoid nuts. 

The scientists analyzed the full spectrum of compounds excreted in the patients' urine and found evidence of several healthful changes.

"Dietary changes may help patients shed the excess weight and become healthier... the regular consumption of nuts, which are jam-packed with healthful nutrients, such as healthy fats (unsaturated fatty acids) and antioxidants (polyphenols) have been recommended to fight the metabolic abnormalities associated with MetS."Researchers determined for the first time that nut consumption boosted serotonin levels to promote satiety and happiness.

Nutrition scientists now understand that the fats provided with regular nut consumption correlate closely to improved human health. In the past, nuts have been branded with a high-fat stigma and avoided by many health-minded people. Fortunately we now have solid evidence to show nuts are a super food that can help prevent chronic disease including MetS. The study authors concluded that one ounce of nuts eaten daily"reduced levels of substances in the body associated with inflammation and other cardiovascular risk factors in patients with metabolic syndrome."Grab a handful of tasty nuts to help ward off metabolic syndrome and chronic illness.


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