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Wednesday 7 September 2011

Television watching - One hour may shorten life by twenty-two minutes

According to a new report by the University of Queensland, a person reduces his lifespan by approximately 22 minutes for every hour spent watching television.

So if you spend six hours a day in front of the box, you are at risk of dying five years sooner than those who enjoy more active pastimes.

This officially puts watching too much TV in the same unhealthy lifestyle category as smoking or being overweight.

The findings are gleaned from a survey of 11,247 Australians from 1999 to 2000, which asked about how much time they spend watching TV, and compared it to mortality figures for the country.

The paper, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, revealed that for every hour spent glued to the screen, 21.8 minutes were shaved off life expectancy. So while it's good to vege out in front of the TV, this study supports the view that too much of anything can be bad for your health.

But what about sedentary time spent in front of the computer? By the same logic, it could be as bad as being a couch potato. Here's the scoop: Sit longer, die sooner. 


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